Although most race car plumbing are not laid out as simple
as this diagram, Earl's Performance
Plumbing's extensive array of hose end fittings, bulkhead, tee's and adapters can make it almost
this easy.
Once the hose sizes have been determined (flow required, length of runs,
engine builders recommendations, etc.), simply locate your components, the angles of the hose end fittings needed (straight, 45, 90, 120,
150 or 1800), plus any adapters, and
upgrading your oil system to a professional Earl's system is finished.
Earl's Performance Plumbing is available in a number of configurations, including
low height swivel seal and special hose ends for direct attachment
Earl's performance hose is sold by the 1" increments (1 foot).
By following a similar procedure, your brake or fuel systems
can also be upgraded to Earl's Performance Plumbing,
known around the world as the racer's problem solver for fluid control. Send us
your diagram and let our system knowledge help you plumb with the best!